Archive for ‘Rest Days’

September 1, 2011

Random Thoughts

by Ashley

My head is swirling with several random thoughts this afternoon, so I decided to warp this post into one big post of random thoughts, ideas, and stories.  Ready, set, go!

Random Thought #1:  Like my new header?!  I’m so excited about it.  I have been wanting a more attractive header for quite some time now, but I wanted to make sure I explored my options.  I knew that I certainly wasn’t going to try to do it because God knows I am not technologically savvy in any way, shape, or form.  I was initially unsure of what I wanted my header to look like and who I wanted to do it.  Well I found a miracle worker, and her name is Julie at Savvy Eats.  She is so easy to work with, does great work, and definitely knows what she’s doing.  Make sure to check her out if you’re in the market for a new blog design!


Random Thought #2: I had this amazing little combo for lunch today.  It consisted of a sweet potato (obviously), almond butter, and a sprinkle of brown sugar.  I never knew three ingredients could be so perfect together!  Tessa at Amazing Asset gave me the idea to spread some almond butter on the sweet potato, and I’m so glad I tried it out.  Talk about a filling little lunch!

Random Thought #3:  Who is in love with peaches and/or nectarines?!  *Excitedly raises hand*  I AM!!  Peaches and nectarines are easily one of my favorite fruits of all time!  (I really can’t decide which I like better.)  I paired a nectarine with my sweet potato (see above) today for lunch, and I couldn’t believe how juicy, sweet, and delicious it tasted.  I’m going to gobble up as many peaches and nectarines as I can before they go out of season! 

 Random Thought #4: I think my body is in need of a “rest day” other than just Sunday this week.  My workouts this week have been sub-par, my legs have felt like there’s led in them, and I’ve been getting worn out easier.  I’m considering taking a nice morning walk tomorrow rather than run.  Hmm…

Random Thought #5:  I found these coupons in the mail today!  Ice cream and frozen yogurt, any one?!  I see a (couple) ice cream dates with Cody in the near future… 😉 

Ok, I’ll leave you with those thoughts for now.  Don’t want you feeling too overwhelmed with my randomness! 


  • Do you prefer peaches or nectarines better?
  • How many “rest days” do you take each week?
  • Do you like ice cream or frozen yogurt better?