Archive for August 27th, 2011

August 27, 2011

Tackling Our “To-Do List”

by Ashley

This morning Ryan and I had a kick butt running sesh!  It was the perfect way to start off the day.  Usually I do some sort of strength training (except last week was yoga because I was SO sore) on Saturdays, but today I woke up feeling a good run.  It was probably a good thing considering I downed that uh-ma-zing pizookie and ice cream last night. 😉 

I decided to extend my usual 3 mile route by a mile to make it a little longer.  Cody was off playing football, it was a beautiful morning, I was totally feelin’ it, and I wasn’t in a rush to be anywhere, so why not make it a little longer?!  I was certainly glad I did because I owned that run like it was nothin’.  I love that feeling!  The second half of the run started to get a little warm, and there was some humidity in the air from the storm we got last night.  Needless to say, I was a big sweaty mess when I got home!

Ryan and I were happy campers when we got home and got to drink gallons of water.

Cody got home from football soon after we did, and we all got straight to work on our “to-do list” for the day. 

  • Pull weeds in the backyard: check. 
  • Filled in flagstone cracks with mortar: check. 
  • Mowed lawn: check. 
  • Cleaned up kitchen: check. 
  • Got rid of old couch in basement: check. 
  • Vacuumed/swept up dog hair and sawdust in basement (it’s an unfinished, work in progress basement): check.  (We’re trying to clean up the basement because I want to make a “temporary” fitness room down there until we get it all finished.) 

I’d say we are QUITE the team! 🙂  We took a break in the middle of our list to eat some lunch.  Cody had leftovers from last night, and I whipped up another one of my delicious Cinnamon Pumpkin Pie Smoothies.

Now it’s time for some relaxation until we leave for a late afternoon/evening of Seven Peaks (a waterpark here in Utah) with some friends!  Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!


  • Do you usually workout on the weekends?  If so, what type of workout do you do?
  • What was on your “to-do list” today?
August 27, 2011

What [Was] for Dinner: Alfredo Turkey Meatballs Atop Healthy Mashed Potatoes

by Ashley

Good morning!  Yay for Saturdays!  What do you have planned for the day?  As soon as I get off the blog, I plan on going for a run, helping the hubby in the backyard (again), and tackling cleaning the basement.  Later today we hope to meet up with some friends at a waterpark if the weather is good. 

Last night was a night filled with comfort food.  It was a long week, so I was craving some comfort!  I decided to go with alfredo turkey meatballs atop mashed potatoes.  It was definitely a great decision, and those little meatballs gave me plenty of comfort. 🙂  I like these little guys because they are healthy too! 

Alfredo Turkey Meatballs Atop Healthy Mashed Potatoes


1 lb. lean ground turkey

3/4 cup oatmeal

1 egg

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon oregano

1 teaspoon basil

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 jar light alfredo sauce (you can totally make it yourself too, but I was lazy last night)

(For mashed potatoes):

5-6 small/medium russett potatoes

1/3 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt

1/3 cup nonfat or 1% milk

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1/2 teaspoon salt


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Cut up potatoes  into bite size pieces and boil them on the stove until they are soft enough to easily be mashed.  (I like to leave the skin on…extra fiber baby!)  While the potatoes are boiling, mix together ground turkey, egg, oatmeal, and spices. 

Roll ground turkey into little balls and place on a greased cookie sheet. 

Place in the oven for about 15 minutes or until they are cooked through.  While meatballs are cooking, drain potatoes and place in a mixing bowl.  Add Greek yogurt, milk, and spices.  Use a hand mixer to mash potatoes.

Pour the jar of alfredo sauce into saucepan and simmer until heated through.  (As I said, you can make homemade alfredo sauce, which I normally do, but I was feeling lazy last night.)  Plop a spoon full of the mashed potatoes on your plate, add a few meatballs, and top with alfredo sauce.  I paired it with a side of green beans, and dug in!

Cody and I gave the meal *two thumbs up*.  I think Ryan would’ve given it two thumbs up too, as he thoroughly enjoyed licking the leftover remnants of the mashed potato bowl. 

Cody and I decided to make it a Redbox night, complete with a homemade pizookie.  If you have no idea what a pizookie is, I feel incredibly sorry for you.  (just kidding, I’ll explain)  A pizookie is essentially a big cookie that is half baked and often topped with a scoop of ice cream.  There is a restaurant in Arizona called Oregano’s that are popular for these.  Since we don’t have an Oregano’s here in Utah, we decided to make our own!  As you can see, mine fell apart as I was trying to scoop it into my bowl, but it didn’t taste any less yummier!!

Needless to say, I need to go on a run this morning to work off that bad boy! 😉  Catch ya later! 

P.S.  Check out my “About Me” page!  I updated it and added a lot to it last night.  Enjoy!


  • What’s your favorite comfort foods?
  • Do you rent movies at Redbox often?  (we do!)